P0345 Nissan Code: Meaning, Fixes, Costs & Prevention

When it comes to car diagnostics, we often find ourselves lost in a sea of cryptic codes and technical terms. From understanding the intricacies of the P0335 Nissan Code to dissecting the meaning of the P0345 Nissan Code, these diagnostic codes play a significant role in maintaining our vehicle’s health. Today, we’re focusing on the latter – the P0345 Nissan code. But, what does this code signify? How do you know if your car has this issue and, most importantly, how do you fix it? Buckle up as we drive you through the world of this diagnostic trouble code.

What is P0345 Nissan Code?

Firstly, let’s clarify what the P0345 Nissan code means. This code is a generic powertrain code. In layman’s terms, it signals a problem with a particular part of your car – the camshaft position sensor ‘A’ in engine bank 2.

But why is this sensor important, you may ask? Well, the camshaft position sensor monitors the position of your engine’s camshaft. The data from this sensor is then sent to your vehicle’s brain, the engine control unit (ECU). The ECU uses this information to control ignition timing and fuel injection, two crucial aspects of your engine’s performance.

Just like how the P1800 Nissan Code indicates a fault in the Variable Intake Air System, when the P0345 code is triggered, it implies a deviation from the norm, suggesting that the ECU has received an incorrect input from the camshaft position sensor.

Symptoms of P0345 Nissan Code

Identifying the symptoms of the P0345 code can be the first step in resolving the issue. So, what are the telltale signs?

  1. Check Engine Light: One of the most obvious indications is the illumination of your Check Engine light. While this could signify various problems, it’s a sure sign something is off.
  2. Difficulty Starting: You might experience problems while starting your vehicle. In extreme cases, it may not start at all.
  3. Decreased Performance: The engine’s performance may drop, reducing power or causing poor fuel efficiency.
  4. Engine Instability: Lastly, the engine might stall or run unevenly, leading to a rough idle.

If you encounter any of these symptoms, it might be time to investigate further.

Causes of P0345 Nissan Code

Now that we’ve understood the symptoms, let’s delve into the potential causes. Knowledge about these causes can give you a head start when trying to fix the issue. Generally, the P0345 Nissan code can be triggered by a few potential culprits:

  1. Faulty Sensor: The problem could be as straightforward as a malfunctioning sensor.
  2. Wiring or Connection Issues: Damaged, corroded, or loose wiring can interfere with the signal from the sensor to the ECU.
  3. Mechanical Engine Problems: Deeper mechanical issues, such as with the timing chain or belt, can affect the sensor’s proper functioning.

How to Fix P0345 Nissan Code

Having acquainted ourselves with the symptoms and causes, let’s now discuss the fixes. Repairing the P0345 Nissan code might involve the following steps:

  1. Diagnostic Scan: Begin with a thorough diagnostic scan to confirm the P0345 code. This is where tools like an OBD-II scanner come in handy.
  2. Visual Inspection: After confirming the problem, visually inspect the sensor and the associated wiring for visible damage or disconnection.
  3. Replace Sensor: If your inspection reveals a faulty sensor, it needs replacement. Fortunately, there are many online tutorials to help with this task.
  4. Repair Wiring: If the issue lies within the wiring, it must be repaired or replaced as necessary. While a professional mechanic is best suited for this task, guides can provide some help.
  5. Check Engine Timing: Lastly, if all else is in order, it might be worth checking the engine timing to rule out any mechanical issues. For this, consider seeking professional help to avoid potential mishaps.

Estimated Cost of Fixing P0345 Nissan Code

A critical aspect to consider while dealing with this code is the potential cost. The cost of resolving the P0345 Nissan code can vary considerably based on the cause.

For instance, if it’s a faulty sensor, the replacement cost typically lies between $100 and $200. However, if the wiring is damaged or the issue is related to mechanical engine problems, the price could skyrocket.

It’s always best to consult with a professional mechanic for an accurate quote. Websites like RepairPal can offer ballpark figures for various repairs.

Preventive Measures for P0345 Nissan Code

Prevention, as they say, is better than cure. Thus, avoiding the occurrence of the P0345 code can save time and money. Here are some preventive measures:

  • Regularly service your vehicle, including timely oil changes and belt replacements. This simple habit can go a long way in keeping your engine healthy.
  • Make a habit of checking the camshaft position sensor and associated wiring for any signs of wear or damage regularly. Early detection can prevent more significant issues down the line.
  • Regularly monitor your vehicle’s performance. Any change or decrease could indicate an underlying problem that needs addressing.


Is it safe to drive my Nissan with the P0345 code?

While it may not immediately damage your vehicle, it’s generally not recommended to drive with this code. The code indicates a problem with the camshaft position sensor, which affects the vehicle’s timing and fuel injection. This could lead to poor performance, decreased fuel efficiency, or potential engine damage over time.

Do I need a professional mechanic to fix the P0345 Nissan code?

While some steps like a diagnostic scan and basic visual inspection can be performed by an amateur, tasks like sensor replacement, wiring repair, and engine timing adjustments are better left to a professional to avoid causing further damage.


In conclusion, the P0345 Nissan code, while intimidating, can be understood and managed with some knowledge and proactive steps. By understanding its meaning, symptoms, causes, and fixes, you can ensure your Nissan runs smoothly.

Remember, regular maintenance, keen monitoring of performance, and timely professional consultation are your best defenses against this and other engine trouble codes. So, stay alert, and enjoy your ride!